About Us
The LIMBIC Military and Tactical Athlete Research Study is a consortium of 22+ universities. The purpose of this consortium is to investigate sport and military-related mild traumatic brain injuries (concussion) in order to identify a viable biosignal of the injury and better understand recovery for athletes and military personnel alike.
The Co-Principle investigators for this effort are Drs. Jacob E. Resch (UVA) and David Cifu (VCU). Dr. Cifu is also the lead investigator for LIMBIC CENC which is an ongoing longitudinal study of military personnel.
University members include institutions from across the United States with our primary sample being comprised of collegiate athletes.
Core Values
All sites will adopt the same clinical practices in order to increase data fidelity and reproducibility
All sites will be able to adopt a comprehensive set of biosignals that will inform our study aims.
Each biosignal has the potential to improve clinical practice.
Leave sites better than we found them
Upon extraction, each site will have the ability to execute the same clinical protocol without a significant cost or time burden
Each site will have access to a innovative real-time data dashboard during and after extraction
Sites will be able to adopt the results of our study to inform clinical practice
Nationwide Clinical Research Consortium
Each NCAA site is a full partner in this consortium
Partners are expected to be part of the ongoing analyses and studies